Track an Event

You can track activities performed by your users using our track method call.

NoThe activity that you are tracking against a user. We recommend using _ (underscore) notation for names. Eg: purchased, subscribed_to_plan, canceled_plan.
YesProperties that you'd like to associate with the activity. You can use these properties in your triggered emails, as well as search users based on the activities they performed. Eg: {"product_name": "Mountain Dew", "price": "10.10", expires: "2015-04-29T13:00:28+00:00"}
callbackYesA callback function that will be called when the call to track is complete. A boolean indicating success/failure will be passed as a parameter to this callback.

Using the track method with no properties.

nudgespot.track("canceled_plan"); //Track event without any properties

Using the track method with properties.

// Track event with properties
nudgespot.track("add_to_cart", {"items": [{"value": 200, "name": "Hugo Boss Perfume"}],"total_value": 200});